Malvern Cleaners start January with a bang!

Wishing you all a great start to 2014, we at Malvern Cleaners have upped our game with a website of our own, enabling us to offer more services that many of you have asked about over the previous few months. We will now be offering pick-up and drop-off laundry services, (covering washing to ironing and return, or just ironing only), and, by popular demand, we are looking at Home Help for vulnerable people who live alone and need that occassional helping hand, be it with the shopping or ensuring that all their food is still within date.

There are still things to be done on the site; we need to get some pictures, for a start, but the truth is Malvern Cleaners have never depended on their site to get clients - that has been done by referrals from our existing ones. Indeed, our site is to promote an ideal, a personality, rather than solely a service.

And that is one of diligence and detail.

Lubica Church