Our enviromnental policy!

Please find below our environmental policy.

I. Purpose

This Environmental Policy outlines the commitment of Malvern Cleaners Ltd. ("the Company") to minimize its environmental impact and to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. As a small cleaning company offering domestic and office cleaning services in England, we understand the importance of protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices.

II. Objectives

  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations, and other requirements applicable in England.

  • Reduce waste and minimize the use of resources by implementing resource-efficient processes and practices.

  • Utilize environmentally friendly cleaning products and equipment, wherever feasible.

  • Encourage staff, customers, and suppliers to adopt environmentally responsible practices.

  • Continuously assess and improve our environmental performance.

III. Actions and Implementation

  1. Resource Efficiency:

    • We will minimize water and energy usage by using efficient equipment and adopting best practices in cleaning.

    • We will reduce waste by reusing materials where possible, recycling, and adopting paperless communication methods.

  2. Environmentally Friendly Products:

    • We will use environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning products that are biodegradable and cause minimal harm to the environment.

    • We will work with suppliers to source sustainable and eco-friendly cleaning products and equipment.

  3. Training and Awareness:

    • We will provide environmental training to our employees to raise awareness about our environmental policy and practices.

    • We will encourage our employees to apply environmentally responsible practices both at work and in their personal lives.

  4. Engaging Stakeholders:

    • We will communicate our environmental policy and practices to our customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders and encourage them to support our efforts.

    • We will provide information on sustainable cleaning practices to our customers, helping them make informed choices.

  5. Monitoring and Review:

    • We will regularly monitor and evaluate our environmental performance, including waste reduction, resource efficiency, and compliance with regulations.

    • We will review our environmental policy annually and update it as needed to reflect changes in legislation and industry best practices.

IV. Compliance

We will comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and guidelines applicable in England, including but not limited to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. We will take prompt action to address any non-compliance issues that may arise.

V. Responsibility

The implementation of this Environmental Policy is the responsibility of all employees at Malvern Cleaners Ltd. The Managing Director will be responsible for overseeing the policy's implementation and ensuring that the Company is fulfilling its environmental commitments.

By adhering to this Environmental Policy, we aim to contribute to a sustainable and clean environment for current and future generations.

Lubica Church