Would you use a cleaning app on your smartphone?

I fall in and out of love with my iPhone. When I first got it (I've only ever had one and it's still ticking over - just), I couldn't resist the allure of thousands of apps that measured things that I had never believed worth measuring, or walking around the garden with the calls of every British bird species ready to be summoned up and broadcast out to cause garden mayhem amongst my avian friends. At the push of a few buttons (and quite a wait), I could (probably) identify which aircraft was booming overhead at twenty-thousand feet, or attempt to identify a tree species by taking a photograph of a leaf and comparing it to a database.

But appetites change and our most noble habits, it seems, tire the quickest. Nowadays, I am not interested in my precise altitude when I'm balancing one legged on a chair in the kitchen. The world moves on regardless.

Having said all that, I am still surprised at the lack of cleaning apps on the Itunes Store. If you do a search for cleaning all you get is disk utility clean ups for your desktops. There isn't, I believe, even a cleaning game for the iPhone! (Could you envisage an Angry Birds style physics-engine game based on cleaning? I might have to investigate that one!).

 So if anyone has any ideas, then let me know!


CleaningLubica Church